Dylan Reece McDaniel made her debut appearance on May 3rd at 12:25 p.m. She was 6 lbs. 3 oz and 19.5 inches long!

Without going into too much detail, my labor was a bit of a surprise. I was 38 weeks and it was around midnight. I didn't start having contractions nor did my water break. Instead, I began to bleed very heavy. It scared the snot out of me. We called Labor and Delivery and they told us to come on up. About an hour after we got there, I began to have the fun contractions. I didn't dilate past 2 cm until after 7:00 a.m. Thank goodness, my doctor, Dr.Hudson, was on call that day. I was still bleeding like crazy, but finally dilating more. I got my epidural mid-morning and by lunch, they broke my water and Dylan was born about an hour later.
I was blessed to have Shawn, my mom and Bubba (my brother) there during most of the labor process. To put it mildly, I was a bit moody. I was truly scared, though. My dad and Jean Anne got there later in the morning. Our pastor, Dr. Steve Ramp, came and said a prayer with us. That really meant the world to me. (He, also, mentioned that I had toes like vienna sausages. Hmm. He didn't bring it up in the prayer, though.) Shawn's sis and parents made it to the hospital within minutes of Dylan being born. Shawn shot them all a text message picture from the delivery room so everyone could get a sneak peek of Miss Priss.
The whole day was such a whirlwind.