We hope everyone had a merry Christmas and a happy New Year! We were, thankfully, able to spend the holidays in both Hattiesburg and Jackson! We went to the Potin's early Christmas morning and afterwards we swung by and picked up Aunt Jean and headed to Jackson! It was so nice to spend such a special day with all of our family.
Santa brought us a Wii and Dance, Dance Revolution for Christmas. If you aren't familiar with a Wii...it is a gaming system that is VERY interactive. You are able to bowl, box, play tennis, baseball, ping pong, go fishing and many other games. Dance, Dance is a floor pad that has arrows on it (it looks like a Twister mat) and you have to step on the arrow that corresponds to the arrows moving on the screen to music. It all sounds kinda complicated, but I guarantee that we'll be in some kind of shape by this time next year. Shawn's parents bought us an awesome 32-inch LCD HD television and an entertainment center to house it! We absolutely love it! It makes all of our game-playing even more fun!
On New Year's Eve, I had to work, but we still brought in the New Year. We decided to take it low key, though. We ordered take-out from Outback and made two trips to the fireworks stand. Needless to say, we kept ourselves busy with the pyrotechnics!